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My trusty old girl. *Updated pics*

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:14 am
by Bundy
Hey folks.

Just thought i'd post some pics of my 406 1.9TD GLX and tell you a little bit about how it came to be what it, erm, be...






Modifications are:

Lowered 30mm on Losjofers springs.
No silencers at all, just the cat.
17" Oxigin alloys with rims painted white to hide the last owners kerb lovin'.
JVC Chameleon head unit.
JBL 6.5" speakers in front doors.
Sony 6x9s in home made surrounds on rear shelf.
2 x 12" Alpine Type-S subwooders in home made, baffled 2 x 1.76 cubic feet sealed enclosure in boot.
Alpine V12 sub driver.
Alpine V12 4 channel amp.
Disabled EGR.
Debadges wings.

I never planned to modify this car in all honesty, it just sort of happened. First time was because it broke both front springs (yep, both) while the car was parked int he driveway at my ex's house. It turned out to be cheaper to replace all 4 springs with lowering springs than it was to replace just the 2 front ones! So i did that (only dropped the car on myself once during the process too! *proud*

Then the gearbox packed in at 110k miles. It had always occasionly popped out of 5th gear ever since i'd owned it, but only about once a month or so. Then once a week, once a day, once an hour etc until 5th gear just kinda vanished (maybe i just misplaced it, i can be clumsy like that) so it was a gearbox swap, which was about as much fun as chewing your own leg off.

Shortly afterwards, on the way to work, the front pads started grinding, i thought they'd do until i got home that night but no, just as i pulled into the works car park and braked one of the pads backing plates flew out of the caliper and bounced along the floor. So i had to do the brakes at work that night. It's ok though because i "forgot" to clock out, so got paid overtime for fixing my own car, which was nice.

The backbox decided to fall down and bounce along the road at about 70 mph, which made some pretty spectacular sparks. The carrier strap had snapped but had torn a hole in the box itself too. So i took it off the car and spent a few hours patching and welding it all up as good as new, picked it up to refit it and the tailpipe came off in my hand, Q one flying backbox and one mildly miffed scotsman. In the end i just replaced the backbox with a piece of streight pipe with a hanger welded onto it up tot he original mounting positions because even without a backbox, the old school diesel rattle is still louder than the exhaust.

Then finaly for the MOT it was going to need 4 new tyres and 2 wiper blades. I got the chance of those alloys for less than the price of 3 new tyres, the edges were kerbed to hell and back so i spent a feqw nights sanding, filling and spraying the rims white. The fact they look ok and suit the car was just a bonus, even if they do look a little chav for my tastes. The wiper blades are nice little aero wiper blades i found cheap on ebay and in all honesty, they are great, much better than the bosch blades they replaced (even when they were new)

The sun visor me and a mate found at the back of his garage and stuck on for a laugh but it actualy really nice for blocking the sun when it's in that annoying bit around your rear view mirror where it always seemed to be on my trip to work, so i left it on.

Other than that, just a few days with t cut and polish trying to make the car white again and not ivory after a few years in the garage.

See, modifying your car can actualy save you money, lol. :lol:

Re: My trusty old girl.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:54 am
by DaiRees
Looks good mate. Thought you had white wall tyres at first glance :oops:

Re: My trusty old girl.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:28 am
by HimBigChief
Looking good there fella. :D

Re: My trusty old girl.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:34 am
by Leopold
Looking good mate... 8)

Re: My trusty old girl.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:25 am
by Welly
Very good! kinda retro style maybe?

And modded on a budget, well done!

Re: My trusty old girl.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:17 pm
by teamster1975
Good job there chap! 8)
I thought the tyres were white walls too on first glance...

Re: My trusty old girl. *Updated pics*

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:27 am
by Bundy
Replaced the crappy mobile phone pics with some decent ones. 8)

Re: My trusty old girl. *Updated pics*

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:24 am
by Leopold
Love it mate, good on ya!!! 8)

Re: My trusty old girl. *Updated pics*

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:58 am
by Welly
It was a good move to have a white car at it appears now to be THE colour to have :)

Maybe white will replace the ever so common Silver :roll:

Re: My trusty old girl. *Updated pics*

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:20 am
by Bundy
lol, white's only a nice colour to have until you make yourself snow-blind when it''s come time to polish it :(