Hello there young feller!

Good to hear from you.
Still rocking the 407 AND the C6

That's amazing, I thought the C6 might have been heading for the nearest cliff...
Oddly enough around these parts I'm seeing more 406s than 407s, but I don't think that's a longevity thing (although some of the engines...), I just think the 407 didn't sell that well in the first place. I still see, and occasionally get a ride in, my old D9 estate. It's still gorgeous and still going strong, although Goran had a road spring go at motorway speed a few weeks back, he said it jumped 2 meters across the motorway before he knew what was happening. Fortunately there was no-one near him and it didn't take out anything vital, although he needed a new brake line and tyre. And change of underwear presumably. Apart from that some of the trim is starting to fall off, but it is 21 years old...
I'm still driving the RAV4.3, fuel consumption is terrible but it never goes far. In fact it's still running the winter tyres I put on it in 2019

And they still have meat left, although I'll have to change them before next winter. That's now 16 years old but whenever I think about replacement I see just how damn expensive anything newish is here, plus how many things can go wrong with moderns and I think maybe I can get a few more years out of it